Golden Tiger’s Eye Boxed

Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $38.00.

This box of Golden Tiger’s Eye is the perfect gift for a crystal collector.
Each piece measures approx. 3 – 4 cm, making it a great size to give away or use in crystal grids.


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Golden Tiger’s Eye Boxed

These boxes contain Tiger’s Eye is known to be a wonderful protection stone.

It holds many meanings, but it is most commonly seen as a stone that brings courage and power and helps to maintain presence in this world.

It also protects against the evil eye and can remove negative energies.

Working with the Solar Plexus Chakra, this stone strengthens personal willpower and clarity of intention to allow manifestation at the highest levels.

It is also great for attracting good luck and prosperity.

When feeling blocked, the energy of Tiger’s Eye can also cut straight through that lack of motivation and help shift focus by encouraging a more active approach to life.