Elestial Quartz Polished


AA grade quality Elestial Quartz polished unique piece. 10 x 5.5 x 8cm , weight 573g

Elestial crystals are also known as jacare or skeletal quartz.


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Elestial Quartz Polished 573g

AA grade quality Elestial Quartz polished unique piece is from Madagascar. 10 x 5.5 x 8cm , weight 573g

Elestial Quartz, also known as Window Quartz, is a type of Quartz with a specific pattern of terminations that flow throughout the face and body of the crystal.

Elestial quartz deeply grounds the high vibrations, making it useful for you on multiple levels.

It allows you to live in both worlds at once.

It also offers protection from negativity, which is a unique property of this elestial.

These healing crystals are also said to help dissolve depression and sorrow.

Finding a clear Elestial Quartz is rather uncommon, so you will more often than not see it as a Smoky Quartz.

In addition, Fenster Quartz is a specific variety of clear Elestial Quartz.

These minerals are often found in Brazil, Madagascar, Africa, and the United States.

Elestial Quartz crystals carry a frequency that structures and regulates energy, allowing us access to higher frequency energy at a level that is comfortable and most needed by the individual.

It is an excellent tool for meditation and accessing information or guidance.

Elestial Quartz is a powerful crystal to use in meditation.

Holding it in your hand while you meditate will allow you to slip in a complete state of relaxation.

Keeping it close to your body will attune it to your personal energies.

This mineral’s extremely high vibrations will captivate you the moment you lay your eyes on it.

The knowledge encased in this stone is here to assist you in your ancient origin search.

Meditating with this piece will link your third eye to a vast library of knowledge and history.

Elestial Quartz can provide insight into our past lives and the events that shaped us.

Only when we learn from these events can we truly move on from them.

This crystal’s repeating faces remind us of an infinite multi-verse of repeating opportunities and outcomes that we may experience.

Elestial Quartz helps guide us through this labyrinth of information so that we can come out as a better and stronger-willed person on the other side.

Elestial Quartz acts as a window into the spiritual world, linking our conscious body and spiritual mind to the universe.

This stone acts as a hyperspeed portal, quickly opening your third eye to a higher dimension.

Due to this stone being a Quartz variety, our chakra system has a natural tendency to realign itself back into harmony.

This harmonious vibration quickens the activation of our spiritual connection and allows one to intercept higher vibrational messages.

The natural enhancing power of this Elestial Quartz makes it that much more powerful.

For beginners, we recommend balancing this stone’s powerful energy with a grounding crystal such as Garnet, Hematite, or Galena.

Additional information

Weight 0.573 g
Dimensions 10 × 5.5 × 8 cm


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