Honey Calcite Rough 3pcs

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.00.

An amazing set of 3PCS Honey Calcite Rough.

Weight:105g and Measuring: 4cm x 3cm x 4cm.


Only 1 left in stock


Honey Calcite Rough 3 pcs

Honey Calcite is associated with the solar plexus, self-confidence and hope.

These rough crystals are said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive.

It specifically is a clearer of accumulated self-doubt, giving you the opportunity for a clean emotional slate.

It is also known as a mind stone as it heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and the ability to learn quickly and efficiently.

It is a powerful energy cleanser amplifier.

The energy of Calcite purifies and cleans out negative energy from pretty much anywhere, including within you.