Clear your Aura Smudging Kit


This Smudging kit is deal for clearing unwanted energy, balancing your Aura and bringing calmness into your space.

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Clear your Aura Smudging Kit

This Smudging kit is ideal for clearing energy, balancing your Aura and bringing calmness into your space.

Rough Black Tourmaline rough on metal stand, to stimulates the Root Chakra.

In addition to its ability to protect, Black Tourmaline also has a strong grounding effect.

It can aid in self-understanding and soothe anxiety.

Palo Santo stick, also known as  “Holy Wood”  has an aromatic woody scent.

It is ethically sourced from Peru.

It bring peace, calm and clarity to a situation or place.

Great to be used at the same time as the Frankincense supplied.

The power of this Selenite Generator will open, clear and activate the energy.

This is the ideal stone for connecting with spirit guides or guardian angels.

This Black Obsidian Point  with Chakra Symbols is a stone for power, protection, and grounding.

It also keeps negative energies at bay and gives you the courage to face your inner truths.

 Practice Mindfulness whilst clearing the space.

Additional information

Weight 506 g


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