Titanium Points Sets of 2


A variety of two sets of Titanium Points to choose from.

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Titanium Points Sets of 2

Titanium Aura is a form of Quartz combined with titanium (the metal of power) by bonding titanium oxide onto its surface.

These sets of 2 contain Titanium Points.

It helps to amplify healing energy and clears and cleanses chakras, creating a clear a pathway for vital life force to flow.

It may also help to remove blockages and enhance psychic powers.

It helps us to dispel sorrow and replace it with joy by stimulating humour, creativity and relaxation.

It can also help you to feel more grounded, centred and energised. 

This stone possess enough energy to turn anyone’s mood around, whilst increasing your focus and allowing you to expand awareness.

With the relaxed state of mind the Titanium Quartz brings, you will begin to see how to evolve on your life path and obtain your dreams.